Singing Guide: Savage Garden

Singing Guide: Savage Garden

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Savage Garden was an Australian pop duo composed of Darren Hayes as vocalist and Daniel Jones as keyboardist. Known for their hit songs such as "Truly Madly Deeply," "To the Moon and Back," and "I Knew I Loved You," Savage Garden's sound is characterized by Hayes's soaring vocals and Jones's keyboard arrangements.

  1. Analyze your voice
    Before you start singing, it is essential to know your vocal range. Take the singing carrots' vocal range test to evaluate where your vocal range lies in comparison to famous singers.
  2. Determine the correct voice type
    Understanding your voice type, whether tenor, bass, alto or soprano, is key to developing a precise singing technique. To learn more about your voice type, check out this article on singing types.
  3. Breathing Techniques
    Breathing is the core of singing. Focus on active and passive breathing techniques for better breath support and more effortless singing. For more on breathing basics, view this article.
  4. Voice Registers
    Understanding voice registers is vital to developing proper singing technique. Learn how voice registers can help showcase your vocal strengths by reading this article.
  5. Focus on breath support
    Focusing on breath support will increase your vocal stamina and control. Learn more about breath support and respiration techniques through this article.
  6. Open Mouth & Throat
    Opening your mouth and throat while singing is essential. It can help you achieve better tone and clarity in your voice. Learn more about opening your mouth and throat while singing through this article.
  7. Diaphragm Breathing exercises
    The significance of the diaphragm in singing is often underestimated. Exercise your diaphragm to generate a full, robust sound. Follow this video exercise to learn how to breathe correctly.
  8. Avoiding constrictions
    A lack of breath support can create constrictions in your throat. To avoid this, it is essential to focus on your breathing technique. Check out this article to learn more.
  9. Choose your style
    Both Classical and Pop/Jazz singing have different techniques. Picking your style and understanding unique singing approaches can help you refine your craft. Read this article to understand the differences.
  10. Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking
    Developing emotional and intuitive singing creates a deeper connection between the singer and the audience. Learn how to sing with emotions effectively through this informative article.
  11. Unique Vocal Techniques
    Savage Garden songs require precision in vocals. Learn contemporary techniques like Heavy Modal, Twang, and Belting to use them appropriately in songs. Review this detailed article on unique vocal techniques to understand them better.
  12. Warm-ups
    Vocal warm-ups, like humming, can prevent damage to your voice, increase your vocal stamina, and help you achieve better vocal control. Follow this video exercise for some effective warm-up routines.
  13. Singing with Vibrato
    Vibrato is a subtle change in pitch that adds emotion to your voice. Read this article to understand the importance of vibrato and techniques to add it to your singing.
  14. Articulation Exercises
    To sing with clarity, articulation is crucial. Try out finger biting exercise or learn how to sing softer by following this detailed article on articulation.
  15. Singing with Proper Pitch
    Singing sharp or flat notes can change the mood of a song. Follow these tips to sing with proper pitch.
  16. Importance of Resonance
    To resonate is to project your voice and create a twang-like quality that gives your voice a unique character. Learn how resonance works and how to achieve it for a better tone by reading this article.
  17. Finding Your Own Voice
    Developing a personalized voice can help you stand out in the saturated world of singing. To find your own authentic voice, read this article.
  18. Learning Songs Effectively
    Defining your learning style is crucial when learning how to sing a song. By following these tips, you can make the most of your training session and acquire a song relatively quickly. Read this article to learn more.
  19. Avoiding Stage Fright
    Stage fright can get in the way of your singing performance. Nervousness can be a natural part of a performance, but it can be managed by adopting effective coping strategies. Learn techniques that can help you handle stage fright by reading this article.
  20. Posture
    Adopting the correct posture while singing allows you to breathe effectively. Read this article to learn more about how to create good singing posture.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.